Fiddle Video Lessons

Yes! Some are short, and some are longer depending on how much detail is needed to fully explain the lesson. Lessons have video, audio, and written music when it helps to explain a concept.
Yes! The lessons at the beginning of the program guide students through basic concepts such as maintaining your fiddle, holding it, tuning it, and practice strategies. The lessons guide students to make their first sounds and playing their first tunes.
Yes! Advanced players will find the techniques in the tunes towards the end of the program such as fourth finger drones, vibrato, and playing in flatted keys to be challenging and fun.
All tunes and techniques from AFM Volume 1 and 2 are covered. However, the video lessons go beyond the scope of the books to include many extra tunes and techniques. The format of the video lesson allows for a much more richly detailed explanation and demonstrations than could be done in the books.
Nope. Although the program is designed to build on the techniques of the previous lessons, you can “cherry pick” tunes that you wish to learn. However, if you’ve skipped ahead and are having trouble with a technique, you may want to go back and see if there is an explanation or tune that could help you.
Nope, but you have unlimited access as long as you are a subscribing member.
Click here to reset your password. Enter your email address and we’ll send you a verification code which you can use to login and reset your password retrieve your user name.
AFM uses Stripe for our secure payment gateway. We can never see your credit card number or make charges without your authorization.
No problem. At the bottom of the Membership Details page, you will see an unsubscribe button.
To purchase a membership as a gift, be sure to use the recipients contact information. If you use their email address they will receive an email notification of the new account with a link to log in. The recipient will be able to update their email address and password once they have logged into the account. They will not  be able to change the username you select so we recommend using a combination of their first and last name separated by a period, for example: michael.smith
If you have received an email notification of a new membership in your name, simply click on the Account Login link to access your Video Lessons and have fun!
Yes. You have 30 days to access selected lessons.

Fiddle Pal Camps

Because many (but not all) students are either members of American Fiddle Method Online School or have the AFM books, the staff choose tunes to learn at camp that are not in the AFM program.  In the jam sessions, however, most of the tunes are from AFM.  These tunes are great fun to learn and are commonly known by the campers.  Being a member of AFM Online School gives campers a head start in learning repertoire, fiddle styles and learning by ear.
Yes.  When camp begins, the sheet music will be posted online.  Students who want copies can print them off at home.  Generally the teachers prefer not to use sheet music in class.  However, if you really feel like you need it, we can print off copies for your reference.  We can also print off copies for students who don’t have access to a printer during camp.
The instructors teach the repertoire by ear. Campers can learn up to a dozen new pieces over the four days of camp! That’s a lot to remember and having a recording is very helpful. Many campers bring smart phones or iPads that have a voice recorder app. You may also bring a designated digital voice recorder. They cost $20-50. If you choose to bring a smart phone or iPad to camp, we ask that they be used only to record and for necessary logistical communication with family. There are too many great campers and experiences to miss by playing video games or watching cat videos!
It’s no problem to change classes.  Just let Brian Wicklund know on the first or second day of camp.
The Fiddle Masters Concert gives campers, their families and the general public a chance to see the world class Fiddle Pal Camp staff perform an evening of awe-inspiring music. They rehearse throughout the week to prepare for this show. The concert is a ticketed event and campers are encouraged to bring family and friends. Each camper gets a free ticket with registration. Additional tickets can be purchased in advance online or on the first day of camp.
The barn dance is free and we encourage campers to bring their families. But because our space is limited, the event is closed to the general public.
Each year we have been able to award a limited number of $100 and $200 scholarships. Priority is given to those who have not received a scholarship in the past. You can receive an application by emailing Marty Button.
Absolutely!! The success of camp is possible because of the generosity of volunteers. In addition to serving 2 snacks each day, we have many other jobs that need to be completed to make the day run smoothly. We will send out a volunteer sign up list in the weeks preceding camp.
Your health is important to us! Our kitchen environment is not completely free of gluten or nuts. However, our snacks have a no gluten option. Campers with severe allergies should bring their own food and medical supplies and notify Marty Button about what they need to have a safe environment.
Emergency services and family will be notified immediately. Brian Wicklund is also certified as a emergency medical responder. The camp venue has a basic first aid kit and a AED. The camps staff takes safety seriously.